for Authors
Sports Medicine International” (CMSI) welcomes
the submission of original research articles and case reports related
sports medicine
from all countries.
The journal does accept submissions by mail. Please visit our impressum for mail address at
Manuscripts must not be under simultaneous consideration by any
other publication, before or during the peer-review process. Accepted
including tables and figures, become the permanent property of
the CSMI and may not be published elsewhere without written permission
from the
copyright holder.
When manuscripts have been received by the editorial office, the
corresponding author will be sent an acknowledgment giving an assigned
manuscript number,
which should be used with all subsequent correspondence or telephone
or email contact for anything related to that particular manuscript.
Authors will be asked to download the copyright transfer xx forms.
Both of these forms need to be signed by all authors and returned
to the CSMI
office. You may simply fill in these forms online, put in your
scanned signature and upload together with the submission site;
if you do not,
you may mail or FAX those forms to the editorial office. These
forms must be in our possession before your paper can or will be
When accepted articles have been assigned to an issue, authors
will be required to carefully read and correct their manuscripts
that have been
copy edited by a staff member.
Material published in Clinical Sports Medicine Internatinal is
copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any form without
written permission
of the copyright holder.
In general, follow the standard IMRAD (Introduction, Materials and
Methods, Results, Discussion) format for writing scientific articles.
The author
is responsible for all statements made in the work, including copy
editor changes, which the author will have an opportunity to verify.
Any material
that is submitted with an article (such as tables and figures)
that has been reproduced in another source (that is, that has been
previously) must conform to the current copyright regulations.
It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission for
of copyrighted material and for providing the editorial office
with that documentation before the material will be reproduced in
the Journal.
A permission request form is available on the submission site.
Manuscript pages must be typed into a downloadable .doc demo version.
It is the policy of Journal that authors have to perform all formatting
work according to the demo version ready for the internet or print
version of the manuscript.
Authors have to correct the manuscripts according to the comments of
the editorial office. Authors have to fit Tables and Figures into
the text exactly according to the demo version. This also yields for
format of Figure and Table legends. Only high resolution figures
are acceptable. It is imperative that the final upload is ready for
publication. Manuscripts are not proceeded to the review process until
all editorial
work has been completed.
Units of measure following a number are abbreviated (such as kg, cm,
ml). Use metric units in measurements (that is, centimeter versus inch,
kilogram versus pound). Journal policy is to limit use of abbreviations;
abbreviated terms that are not used frequently in an article will be
spelled out. Common abbreviations are used without definition (such
as ACL, EMG, MRI). When uncommon abbreviations are used, give the full term
followed by the abbreviation in parentheses the first time it is mentioned
in the text, such as femur-ACL-tibia complex (FATC).
Abstracts should summarize the contents of the article in 250 words or
less. The abstract should be structured in the following format:
Background: In one or two sentences, summarize the scientific body of
knowledge surrounding your study and how this led to your investigation.
Hypothesis: State the theory (ies) that you are attempting to prove or
disprove by your study.
Study Design: Identify the overall design of your study. Select one of
the following or designate your own: case report, series of case reports,
cross-sectional study, case control study, prospective cohort study,
retrospective cohort study, retrospective review of prospectively collected
data, metanalysis, prospective randomized clinical trial, prospective
nonrandomized clinical trial, uncontrolled retrospective review, controlled
laboratory study, descriptive anatomical study.
Methods: Succinctly summarize the overall methods you used in your investigation.
Include the study population, type of intervention, method of data collection
and length of the study.
Results: Report the most important results of your study. Only include
positive results that are statistically significant, or negative results
that are supported by adequate power.
Conclusions: State the answer to your original question or hypothesis.
Summarize the most important conclusions that can be directly drawn from
your study.
Clinical Relevance: If yours was a laboratory study, describe its relevance
to clinical sports medicine.
Type acknowledgments on a separate page, following the text. Give credit
to sponsors, donors, or grantors; technical assistants; and professional
colleagues who contributed to the quality of the paper but are not
listed as authors. Please briefly describe the contributions made
by persons
being acknowledged in this section. Journal policy precludes acknowledgment
of the manuscript typist.
References should be typed in alphabetical order and numbered according
to the alphabetical listing. If references are not in alphabetical
order the uploaded file will be rejected and will have to be
resubmitted with
the references in the correct form. When author entries are the same,
regardless of the number of authors, put the most recently published
reference first. In general, use the Index Medicus form for abbreviating
journal titles and the AMA Manual of Style for format. Note: references
must be retrievable. Do not include in the reference list presentations
from meetings that have not been published. Data such as presentations
and articles that have been submitted for publication but have not
been accepted must be put in the text as unpublished data immediately
mention of the information (for example, "Smith and Jones (unpublished
data, 2000) noted in their study . . .").
It is imperative that authors double-check their references and assure
that they are correct and complete!
Formats accepted are GIF, TIFF, EPS, JPEG. Formats not supported
include the following: supported; one slide per file is acceptable.
As your images
are included within your manuscript file you do not need to upload
them separately.
Authors are encouraged to use color figures. Be sure all symbols
or arrows are described in the legend. If figure parts are provided,
the legend
must clearly state what is happening in each part of the figure.
Terms used for labels and in the legend must be consistent with
those in the
Examine all figures carefully to ensure that the data are presented
with the greatest possible clarity and that the inclusion of the
figure helps
the reader better understand the text. Likewise, determine if a
figure would communicate the information more effectively than
lengthy narrative.
All photographs of patients that disclose their identity must be
accompanied by a signed photographic release, granting permission
for their likeness
to be reproduced in the article. If this is not provided, the patient's
eyes must be occluded to prevent recognition.
Please remember that it is the author's responsibility to obtain
and submit signed permission to reproduce any copyrighted figures
that have
been published previously. A permission form can be downloaded from the submission site.
Tables have a title as shown in demo .doc. Please be sure the title
is not a "tag," but that it describes the content and purpose
of the table. Tables should enhance, not duplicate, information in the
text. Simple tables that repeat textual material will be deleted.
Please remember that it is the author's responsibility to obtain
and submit signed permission to reproduce any copyrighted tables
that have
been published previously.